Des Plaines Valley Region
DVR Education for Employment
2000 Fifth Avenue, Suite M103
River Grove, IL 60171



Labor Market Opportunity






DVR Perkins Goals and Strategies

Perkins V – What Does it Mean for our program requirements?

DVR Goals and Strategies for Secondary Local Application (FY21 – FY24)

Goal 1 Use research based strategies to expand equity for special populations (CLNA –  Access to High Quality Programs, Size/Scope/Quality, and Implementing Programs of Study)

Local Application Components: 

  • LWIB collaboration for career exploration and development
  • LWIB collaboration for up-to-date career information
  • LWIB collaboration for an organized career guidance and academic counselling system
  • Special Populations – Prepare for non-traditional fields
  • Special Populations – Equal Access
  • Special Populations – Ensure non discrimination
  • Address disparities or gaps in local levels of performance

Goal 1/Strategy:  Facilitate development of students’ personal career goals using PACE Framework. (CLNA – Access to High Quality Programs, Size, Scope. Quality/Recruitment and Enrollment; Implementing Programs of Study/Guidance on Career Clusters)

Activity 1 – [Budget: 2120/100, 2120/300, 2210/300, 2210/400] Disseminate PACE Framework to feeder districts to initiate discussions on how to help students with career planning. (Access to High Quality CTE/Goals, Size/scope/quality – Student Recruitment, Implementing Programs of Study/Career Clusters)

Activity 2 – [Budget: 2120/100, 2120/300, 2120/400, 2210/100] Publish career information (printed and/or electronic) on school websites, including available programs, courses with early college credit, labor market information, non-Traditional options (eg: NAPE Non-trad Toolkit), and translate literature into Spanish for subgroups (as needed). (Access to High Quality CTE/Goals, Size/Scope/Quality, Implementing Programs of Study/Career Clusters)

Activity 3 – [Budget: 2120/100, 2120/300, 2120/400, 2210/100] Parent meetings on career options including non-traditional careers.  (Access to High Quality CTE/Goals, Implementing Programs of Study/Career Clusters)

Activity 4 – [Budget: 2120/300] Have all students complete career assessments by the end of their freshman year.  (Access to High Quality CTE/Goals, Implementing Programs of Study/Career Clusters)

Activity 5 – [Budget: 2120/300, 2120/400, 2210/100] Create activities in person or virtual, to give students exposure to career assessments, career options, career preparation, including visits to post-secondary partner Programs of Study, job shadowing (in-person or virtual), field trips, career fairs, guest speakers (elementary/middle school and high school)non-trad opportunities and career readiness curriculum, resources, and non-trad opportunities. (Access to High Quality CTE/Goals, Size/scope/quality – Student Recruitment, Implementing Programs of Study/Career Clusters)

Timeline: FY21: Develop, translate (as needed) and publish career information (update each year as needed) FY22: Pilot career development opportunities   FY23: reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in LNA revision. Original parent and student LNA surveys will be repeated to assess changes in understanding of career guidance/exposure.   FY24: Implement changes recommended in LNA update

Evaluation:  Pace framework includes career assessments, career development activities and access to career resources, to varying extents across grade levels. Resources will be disseminated for students, faculty and parents at the beginning of each year.(activities 1,2,3)  Every year 100% of each freshman class will complete personal career assessments (activity 4),  85% of sophomores will identify a career cluster of interest as a result of career assessments and activities,(activity 5) 90% positive evaluation on exit tickets by students.  Evaluate new four year trends for enrollment, and compare to benchmark trends.  Dis-aggregated subgroups in Districts will meet Perkins Performance levels in 4S1(NONTRAD) by FY22.


Goal 2  Facilitate continuous program improvement (CLNA Size/Scope and Quality section, Implementing POS)

Local Application Components: 

  • Improve the academic and technical skills of CTE students
  • WBL opportunities and collaborative business/industry efforts
  • Special Populations – Prepare for self-sufficiency
  • Address disparities or gaps in local levels of performance

Goal 2/Strategy 1) Expand Academic Integration in CTE curriculum (see CLNA- Size/Scope/Quality/Challenging State Academic Standards)

Activity 1 – [Budget: 2120/300, 2120/400] Develop regional cohorts for students where programs are available for early college credit, and are not available at our high schools, into which academic support structures will be designed to facilitate student success. (Size/Scope/Quality/Academic Standards)

Activity 2 -[Budget: 1000/300, 1000/400, 2210/100, 2210/400]  Develop integrated lessons for CTE including Foundational/Introductory courses in Technical Reading, Reading for Information, and Math practices in CTE curriculum.  (Size/Scope/Quality/Academic Standards)

Activity 3 – [Budget: 2210/100, 2210/300, 2210/400] Explore extension of pilot Algebra in Business Program into other districts in the region. (Size/Scope/Quality/Academic Standards)

Evaluation:  Minutes from collaborative meetings regarding algebra in business team-taught programs will be reviewed. Disaggregated subgroups in Districts will meet Perkins performance indicator levels in 2S1 and 2S2 and 2S3 by FY24.

Activity 4 Faculty will share best practices in regional content committees and use resources of shared faculty lesson plans on DVR website.  Evaluation:  Pass rate in CTE Foundational Courses (no budget – local funds). (Size/Scope/Quality/Academic Standards)

Activity 5 Although Illinois has not formally launched the planned Transitional ELA program, two DVR districts collaborated with Triton College on the groundwork for curriculum and competencies. Those districts are now running Transitional ELA. When the state releases formal guidelines for Transitional ELA, our schools will be ready to fully participate in that process. Evaluation:  Pass rate in Transitional ELA (seniors)  (no budget – local funds). (Size/Scope/Quality/Academic Standards)

Activity 6 [Budget: 1000/300, 1000/400] Classroom supplies/resources for integrated academics. (Size/Scope/Quality/Academic Standards)

Activity 7 [Budget: 2210/100, 2210/100, 2210/300] Development of Geometry in Construction programs for schools not yet participating. (Size/Scope/Quality/Academic Standards)

Timeline: FY21: Develop integrated lessons for foundational courses, and post on DVR website “Teacher-share” for access by teachers in EFE region. Schools will examine pilot algebra in business to consider recommendations to their own curriculum committees for inclusion in curriculum.  FY:22 Implement inclusion of integrated lessons. This will be for students in Foundational/Introductory courses, (so grades 9 and 10.) These students will take the SAT in grade 11, so there will be a gap of one or two years to see the results.    FY23: Continue improving academic integration in all foundational courses.  Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update. Original faculty LNA surveys will be repeated to assess progress in program improvement.   FY24: Implement changes recommended in LNA update

Goal 2/Strategy 2) Incorporate Employability Skills lessons and assessments (see CLNA- Size/Scope/Quality)

Activity 1 – [Budget: 2210/100, 2210/300, 2210/400] Create lessons and assessments on Essential Employability Skills for use in approved programs, and building-level student advisories. ((Size/Scope/Quality/Employability Skills)

Timeline: FY21: Create lessons and appropriate pre and post assessments on Employability Skills Framework for training level courses  FY:22 refine lessons as needed and analyze student progress   FY23: Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update. create additional related learning activities to enhance student application of employability skills   FY24:  Implement changes from LNA update.

Evaluation:  In-course assessments- pre and post tests. Students will achieve 85% score or better on specific employability skills post-assessments.

Goal 2/Strategy 3) Foster team-based or CTSO challenges across CTE Programs (see CLNA- Size/Scope/Quality)

Activity 1 – [Budget: 2210/100] Develop in-program challenges in Training/Advanced courses. (Size/Scope/Quality/CTSO)  

Activity 2 – [Budget: 2210/100] Collaborate with college and industry to design regional team-based challenges across districts. (Size/Scope/Quality/CTSO)

Activity 3 – [Budget: 1000/100, 1000/300, 1000/400, 2120/300, 2120/400, 2210/100] Facilitate participation in CTSOs, as available, including fiscal support for team challenges. (Size/Scope/Quality/CTSO)

Timeline: FY21: planning and creation of team based challenges for advanced/training level courses   FY:22  Incorporation of team based challenges   FY23: refinement of challenges Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update.  Student LNA surveys will be repeated to assess progress in program improvement.   FY24:  Implement changes from LNA update. Track student participation in team based challenges through Transeo.

Evaluation:  Student passing rate in advanced training level courses will be 85%. 

(In light of the COVID public health concerns, districts will follow the guidelines provided by health organizations both locally and nationally regarding “social settings”.  All participation in job shadowing, work-based learning, Team-based challenges and other off-campus school based activities will be determined by health organization guidelines.) 

Goal 2/Strategy 4) Develop/expand WBL (see CLNA- Size/Scope/Quality)

Activity 1 – [Budget: 1000/300, 1000/400, 2120/300, 2210/100], collaborate with industry partners for MOUs; and/or develop/obtain resources for student WBL experiences (Internships, student-led enterprise, school based enterprise, simulations/virtual, community service).  (Size/Scope/Quality/Work-based Learning)

Timeline: FY21: Develop method for students to track and report their WBL activities (eg- Transeo)   FY:22  Launch pilot programs with industry partners  FY23: Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update.  FY24: Implement changes from LNA update.

Evaluation: Verify method for tracking and reporting in FY21. Thereafter, 10 additional students per year will participate in documented WBL activities. Graduating class of FY22 -Dis-aggregated Subgroups in Districts will meet Perkins Performance levels in 1S1, and 1S2 

(In light of the COVID public health concerns, districts will follow the guidelines provided by health organizations both locally and nationally regarding “social settings”.  All participation in job shadowing, work-based learning, Team-based challenges and other off-campus school based activities will be determined by health organization guidelines.)

Goal 2/Strategy 5) Equip programs with industry standard technology/equipment, curriculum, resources and supplies (see CLNA- Size/Scope/Quality/Technical Knowledge and Skills, Implementing Programs of Study)

Activity 1 – [Budget: 1000/500] Purchase advisory recommended industry technology and equipment.  Record in Properties list.  (Size/Scope/Quality/Technical Skill, Size/Scope/Quality/Facilities)   

Activity 2 -[Budget: 1000/300] Repair and maintain current equipment.  (Size/Scope/Quality/Technical Skill, Size/Scope/Quality/Facilities) 

Activity 3 – [Budget: 1000/300, 1000/400, 2210/300, 2210/400] Purchase student software, program subscriptions, supplies, program subscriptions and fees, and materials for approved courses.  (Size/Scope/Quality/Technical Skill, Size/Scope/Quality/Facilities) 

Activity 4 [Budget: 2210/100, 2210/300, 2210/400] Curriculum revision as needed to update courses.  (Size/Scope/Quality/Technical Skill, Size/Scope/Quality/Facilities) 

Timeline: FY21: Advisory will inform recommendations for purchases  FY:22 continued partnership and appropriate purchases  FY23: Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update. Original faculty LNA surveys will be repeated to assess progress in program improvement.   FY24:  Implement changes recommended in LNA update

Evaluation:  Technology, materials and supplies will be purchased based on approved budgets. Verify properties lists. Student pass rate will be 85%.

Goal 2/Strategy 6) Review capacity issues for Programs of Study (see CLNA Implementing Programs of Study/Continuous Improvement)

Activity 1- [Budget: 2210/100]Program Quality Review (PQR) -Program Reviews for existing CIPs.  (Implementing Programs of Study/ Continuous Improvement)

Activity 2 – [Budget:  2210/100]Review recommended new CIPs and analyze for viability.  Complete new program requests for ISBE as needed. (Implementing Programs of Study/ Continuous Improvement)

Timeline:  FY21  Use PQR for half current approved CIPs    FY22 Use PQR for remaining half current approved CIPs    FY23 Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update. following PQR evaluation of existing programs. Each district needs to go through their own curriculum committee review process, before requesting additional CIPs. FY24  Implement changes recommended in LNA update

Evaluation:  Completion of program reviews by end of FY22. Evaluation will be in the form of the Program review recommendation forms.


Goal 3 Increase student post-secondary attainment (CLNA – Size/Scope and Quality -Advisories, and Implementing Programs of Study/Postsecondary credential attainment)

Local Application Components: 

  • Post-secondary credit opportunities for CTE students

Goal 3/Strategy 1)  Evaluate how to achieve accurate post-secondary student tracking

                Activity – None of our schools currently have the capacity to launch statistically valid surveys, or perform accurate, timely analysis. We would hope that ISBE will continue using the State Longitudinal database which was created for the purpose of tracking students into post-secondary. Tracking students is a long term process that starts with how dual credit students are coded into post-secondary, prior to the point of graduation and transition.  From there it builds into building a correlation of secondary pathways into consistent tracking across Programs of Study.  (Labor Market/Goals) 

Therefore, in FY21 we will schedule two meetings between secondary and postsecondary registrars to discuss CIP consistency in tracking from secondary to post-secondary. During that time, the DVR EFE Board of Control will discuss the challenges of hiring a statistician to collect and analyze data on graduates by CIP, including disaggregated sub data, and satisfaction with either post-secondary training and or job placement in their chosen field. Board discussion will include the budgetary constraints related to launching their own data collection and evaluation process. 

FY22 Based on the outcome of the FY21 Registrar meetings, working groups, including registrars, administrators and related personnel will address barriers in systems, technology identified, and how to create consistency across institutions to facilitate creating a manageable and accurate tracking method.

In FY22, based on the outcome of the FY21 Registrar meetings, working groups will address barriers identified in systems and technology, and how to create consistency across institutions to facilitate more accurate tracking. An additional workgroup consisting of the Regional Content Committees for Business/IT, FCS/Health and Industrial Technology will begin gathering samples of best practices in student post-graduation surveys, including some postsecondary surveys already being utilized.

 In FY23 we will implement recommendations from the Registrar working group for coding student information created in FY22. In FY 23 we will also recommend surveys screened in the prior year by the content committees to administration and request assistance on establishing related personnel who will be able to field the surveys and tally the results. Union negotiations may be involved, since this would represent a change of working conditions, not having been required in the past.

FY24 After solving the questions of data collection, record keeping, and tracking methods, we will review the postsecondary surveys currently being done and assess the relative value of the results compared to the goals established by the content committees in the prior year.

Goal 3/Strategy 2) Prepare students for post-secondary training through increased student Technical Skill attainment 

Activity 1 – [Budget: 2210/100, 2210/300] evaluate industry credentials available for approved CIPS, add additional related credentials. (Implementing Programs of Study / Credentials)

Activity 2– [Budget: 1000/300, 2210/300, 2230/300] Purchase appropriate software for industry credentialing and technical skill attainment. (Implementing Programs of Study / Credentials)

Activity 3 -The Early Childhood Education program curriculum is being revamped at the state level.  This will impact the technical knowledge and related industry (state level) certifications. Based on state timelines for approvals, changes will be implemented in ECE offerings. (Implementing Programs of Study /Continuous Improvement)

Timeline: FY21: Create baseline attainment tracking for industry credential attainment, and additional industry credentials that should be incorporated into existing programs of study   FY:22  Teacher training on industry credentials including test fees to attain those credentials (see High Quality Instruction/PD)   FY23:Incorporate additional credentials into advanced/Training level courses  Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update. Original faculty LNA surveys will be repeated to assess progress in program improvement.   FY24: Implement changes recommended in LNA update

Evaluation: Students will record credential attainment in Transeo, or similar programs. Report on industry credentials earned, increase 5% per year, compared to baseline FY21. Dis-aggregated subgroups in Districts will meet Perkins Performance levels in 3S1 and 5S2 . 

Goal 3/Strategy 3) Expand post-secondary credit in CTE with dual credit or dual enrollment.

Activity 1 – [Budget: 2210/100, 2210/400] Meet with secondary and post-secondary stakeholders to determine appropriate opportunities. Compare dual credit opportunities across schools for consistency. Identify opportunities for students to achieve 12 or more dual credits, and evaluate student scheduling for incorporation. Promote dual credit opportunities in literature, websites and parent meetings). (Implementing Programs of Study / Post-secondary Credit)

Activity 2 – [Budget: 2120/300, 2120/400] Develop regional dual credit cohorts in specific Programs of Study. (Implementing Programs of Study / Post-secondary Credit)

Activity 3 – [2210/300] Support high school faculty members’ applications for dual credit adjunct status. (Implementing Programs of Study / Post-secondary Credit)

Activity 4 – [Budget: 2210/100] Curriculum revisions as needed to meet dual credit course requirements. (Implementing Programs of Study / Post-secondary Credit)

Activity 5 [Budget 1000/300, 1000/400] Student transportation and fees to dual credit courses, dual credit required textbooks. (Implementing Programs of Study / Post-secondary Credit)

Timeline: FY21: Admin Council will track dual credits earned, by program, and assess how to create more opportunities for students. High school faculty will apply for adjunct status. FY:22 Promote additional Dual Credit opportunities to students and parents. FY23: Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update. FY24: Implement changes recommended in LNA update

Evaluation:  Report number of meetings and participants, number of dual credit courses available, dual credits earned. 5% increase per year in dual credit attainment from FY21 baseline. 

Goal 3/Strategy 4) Collaborate on expanding secondary/post-secondary advisory committees.

Activity 1– [2210/100] Regional Admin Council Meet with Chicago Workforce Board representatives to review labor market opportunities, and with College Deans and program coordinators. (Size/Scope/Quality / Advisories)

Activity 2–  [2210/100] Regional content committees will provide CTE Teachers opportunities to collaborate with college career program coordinators and representatives from business and industry. (Size/Scope/Quality / Advisories)

Timeline: FY21: Expand relationships, coordinate meeting schedules and share with related content faculty   FY:22 Further align instruction based on advisory recommendations.   FY23: Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update. Original faculty LNA surveys will be repeated to assess progress in program improvement.   FY24:  Implement changes recommended in LNA update

Evaluation:  Number of meetings and participants, minutes from discussion and collaboration.

Goal 3 /Strategy 5) Prepare students for post-secondary training through increased student support in academics.

Activity 1- [Budget 2210/300, 2210/400]  Create supports for CTE special populations students in reading, math, science academic skills. (Size/Scope/Quality / Enrollment)


Goal 4 Offer high quality instruction in approved programs (CLNA Section Access to High Quality CTE, Implementing Programs of Study, Recruitment and Retention)

Local Application Components: 

  • Special Populations – Equal Access
  • Special Populations – Ensure non discrimination
  • CTE teacher and staff recruitment, preparation, retention, and training, including professional development; ensure inclusion of underrepresented groups in the  teaching profession

Goal 4 /Strategy 1) Hire and retain fully qualified faculty and staff for approved programs

Activity 1 – [Budget:1000/300, 1000/400, 1000/500, 2210/100] Develop Education CIP to grow our own stream of future teachers.  (Recruitment/Retention)

Activity 2- [Budget 1000/100] Partner with college for faculty to teach singleton courses at high schools. (Recruitment/Retention)

Activity 3 – [Budget 1000/100, 1000/200] Underwrite partial salary and benefits for CTE faculty. (Recruitment/Retention)

Activity 4 – [Budget 1000/100, 1000/200] Support for ParaPros, Special Pops support staff, reading and math tutors in CTE. (Recruitment/Retention)

Activity 5 – [Budget 1000/100] Subs for CTE classes to support teacher participation in advisories, professional development, CTSOs, and collaborative planning. (Recruitment/Retention)

Timeline: FY21 Evaluate Education CIP coursework and faculty needed for recommendation to curriculum committees for inclusion in our course catalog. Apply to ISBE for new CIP.   FY22  Implement new Education CIP.  FY23  Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update. Original faculty LNA surveys will be repeated to assess progress in program improvement.    FY24:   Implement changes recommended in LNA update

Evaluation: Meeting minutes, participants and final recommendations

Goal 4 /Strategy 2) Increase Professional Skills for CTE Faculty and Staff

Activity 1 – [1000/100, 2210/300] Special Pops training for teachers and counselors. (Access to Quality, Retention/Training)

Activity 2 – [1000/100, 2210/300] PD on Essential Employability Skills.  (Size/Scope/ Employability Skills, Retention/Training)

Activity 3- [1000/100, 2210/300, 2210/400] Faculty training and resources on related industry credentials and technical skills. (Implementing Programs of Study/Post-secondary Credentials, Retention/Training)

Activity 4 – [1000/100, 2210/300] Faculty participation in state and federal CTE professional development conferences and workshops including working with diverse learners, integration of core academics, and course content. (Access to Quality, Retention/Training)

Activity 5- [1000/100, 2210/300] Provide professional development opportunities to support secondary faculty in the acquisition of credentials leading to adjunct faculty qualifications. (Implementing Programs of Study/Post-secondary Credentials, Retention/Training)

Activity 6 – [2210/300, 2210/400] DVR School/College Alliance Regional Program of Study Workshop (High School Districts and college partner on PACE Framework). (Access to Quality, Retention/Training)

Activity 7 [2210/300] Counselor participation in Illinois CTE Counselor Academy Conference and other professional learning relating to career development for students. (Access to Quality, Retention/Training)

Activity 8- [1000/100, 2210/300, 2210/400] Raise faculty, counselor, and staff awareness and understanding of equity issues. We will budget for key personnel to attend the NAPE Conference on Bringing Equity into Focus. (dates tba) or other virtual options, and search out ISBE or ICSPS provided workshops for our faculty and counselors to attend.  (Access to Quality, Retention/Training)

Activity 9 – [Budget: 2210/300, 2210/400] Faculty and counselor site visits to business and industry. (Implementing Programs of Study/Post-secondary Credentials, Retention/Training)

Timeline: FY21: In the fall of FY21 the region will hold a Program of Study Workshop focusing on the PACE Framework. Counselor participation in Illinois CTE Counselor Academy Conference, as available,  PD on Essential Employability Skills and Equity/Spec Pops.  FY22:  District administrators approve PD based on course content and district needs.  FY23: Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update. Original faculty LNA surveys will be repeated to assess progress in program improvement.  FY24: Implement changes recommended in LNA update

Evaluation:   Count participants by workshop/conference, count additional industry credentials attained by faculty. 90% positive evaluation by participants.


Timeline: FY21: In the fall of FY21 the region will hold a Program of Study Workshop focusing on the PACE Framework. Counselor participation in Illinois CTE Counselor Academy Conference, as available,  PD on Essential Employability Skills and Spec Pops training FY22:  District administrators approve PD based on course content and district needs.  FY23: Reassess success of activities for refinement and improvement in the LNA update. Faculty LNA surveys will be repeated to assess progress in program improvement.  FY24: Implement changes recommended in LNA update

Evaluation:   Count participants by workshop/conference, count additional industry credentials attained by faculty. 90% positive evaluation by participants.