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Des Plaines Valley Region
DVR Education for Employment
2000 Fifth Avenue, Suite M103
River Grove, IL 60171



Labor Market Opportunity






programs of study logo

Find Your Future!

Visit the DVR Regional Programs of Study website for career development information on how to use your education to get the career you want!  


Click on these updated links for Program of Study opportunities with full dual credit towards college credentials!

Architecture brochure-English(Print)/Arquitectura folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Athletic Trainer brochure-English(Print)/
Ciencias de Salud, Deporte y Ejercicio-Entrenador folleto-Espanol(Imprimir

Auto brochure-English(Print)/Transportacion-Automotriz folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

CIS Cybersecurity brochure-English(Print)/
Tecnología de la información: La seguridad cibernética folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

CIS Microcomputer A+ brochure-English(Print)/
Tecnología de Información: A + microcomputadora folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Construction Tech Plumbing brochure-English(Print)/
Tecnología de construcción-Plomería folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Criminal Justice Law Enforcement brochure-English(Print)/
Justicia Penal-Aplicación de la Ley folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Eng Tech CAD Certificate brochure-English(Print)/
Tecnología de Ingeniería-CAD Avanzada folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Eng Tech Electrical brochure-English(Print)/
Tecnología de Ingeniería-Eléctrica folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Eng Tech Mechanical Design(Machine Shop) brochure-English(Print)/
Tecnología de Ingeniería-Mechanical Design folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Eng Tech Mechatronics(Pre-engineering) brochure-English(Print)/
Tecnología de Ingeniería-Mecatrónica folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Health CMA Certified Medical Assistant brochure-English(Print)/
Carreras de Salud-Asistente Médico Certificado folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Health CNA Certified Nurse Assistant brochure-English(Print)/
Carreras de Salud-Certificado de Asistente de Enfermera folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Health EMT Emergency Medical Technician brochure-English(Print)/
Carreras de Salud-EMT folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Hospitality Baking & Pastry brochure-English(Print)/
Hospitalidad-Hornear y Pastelería folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Hospitality Culinary brochure-English(Print)/Hospitalidad-Culinaria folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Human Services Early Childhood Ed brochure-English(Print)/
Servicios Humanos: Educación Infantil folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)

Human Services Education Pathway brochure-English(Print)/
Servicios Humanos: Asociación de Caminos Educativos folleto-Espanol(Imprimir)










Developing and Improving Programs of Study(POS):

programs of study   Special Issue-including these features and much more!
*Understanding and Implementing Programs of Study
*Lessons Learning from Hichly Implemented Programs of Study
*The Role of Shool Culture in Imporving Student Achievement in POS


Illinois STEM Learning Exchange Open Educational Resources

This OER resource currently includes information on Illinois Career Clusters in Health, IT, Manufacturing and STEM/R & D.


Illinois Programs of Study Overview:

The state of Illinois’ Programs of Study initiative supports the development, implementation and evaluation of academic and career-technical curriculum extending from the secondary to the postsecondary level, including the development of evidence-based resource materials, an information-rich website, and professional development in the form of Webinars and workshops. These efforts extend The Office of Community College Research & Leadership’s (OCCRL) longstanding commitment to use research and development expertise to improve policy and practice that facilitates student transition to college. OCCRL has provided research and technical assistance to state education agencies in Illinois and other states since 1989.



· Develop and disseminate a framework, design elements, and criteria for implementation and evaluation of Programs of Study, including the facilitation of Programs of Study state leadership, steering committees, and workgroups.
· Provide evaluation expertise and lead the implementation of a statewide evaluation system.
· Provide professional development that supports Programs of Study implementation statewide.


Guiding Principles:

1. Leadership, Organization and Support: Programs of Study are developed, supported, and led with guidance from collaborative partners.

2. Access, Equity and Opportunity: Each and every student has access to equitable educational opportunities and services that enable their success.

3. Alignment and Transition: Education and training providers, with input from business and industry, enhance alignment that facilitates student preparation and transition through the educational pipeline.

4. Enhanced Curriculum & Instruction: Curriculum and pedagogy involve rigorous and relevant instruction that enhances learning and enables students to attain academic and technical standards and credentials.

5. Professional Preparation and Development: Comprehensive and continuous professional development that impacts teaching and learning is delivered to enhance the recruitment, preparation and retention of qualified instructional and administrative staff.

6. Program Improvement: Data are collected, shared, and utilized to improve outcomes and demonstrate accountability.

Programs of Study Information/Resources

Illinois Community College Board (ICCB)

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

Pathways Resource Center

Programs of Study – Pathways to Results

Career Clusters

Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support