Des Plaines Valley Region
DVR Education for Employment
2000 Fifth Avenue, Suite M103
River Grove, IL 60171



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Preschool: Reading with Young Children

Objective(s) with Taxonomy:

Apply: Students will be able to translate concepts learned in Preschool 1 about reading to young children into the videos they will be creating.

Understand: Students will be able to summarize important things to know about reading to young children.

Create: Students will be able to plan and create a video about how to read to preschoolers.


Tasks, O-E Questions, & Time Estimates

Prompt: What ways can teachers adapt their lessons to fit the needs of a student with a learning disability? How can you do this in our preschool?

-Relevance: Preschool 2 students are doing a presentation on Learning Disabilities.

  1. Check in with Preschool 3 projects- each student is working independently throughout the semester on a project that is due at the end of the semester.

-10 minutes

Learning Disabilities

  1. Presentation on Learning Disabilities for Preschool 2 students sit on the carpet and have presenters holding the laptop and presenting.

  1. Preschool 3 students will be working on a scenario where they have to adapt various lessons for students with disabilities. They can work on this together at one table. The scenarios relate to what they know about learning disabilities and adaptations in the classroom.

*Preschool 2 and 3 students will be working on these tasks simultaneously. Once the presentation is done, we will reconvene and start on a project all together.
-20 minutes

Cross-Curricular Project

  1. Project with Mrs. Kirby’s class about reading to preschool students. Give students handout with explanation and read through it creating a resources for Mrs. Kirby’s Written and Oral Communications 1 class about reading to preschool aged children.

Question: What do you think cross-curricular means?

  1. Review reading to preschoolers with infographic this will refresh what students learned in Preschool 1
  2. Students will each write one tip on the board about reading to young children. Then we will go over them as a class and discuss them. After the discussion we will choose what we want to be our top five rules to share with Mrs. Kirby’s class.
  3. Break students into 5 groups and assign them a rule each group will make a video about each rule with an example. They must say why it is important to follow the rule.

-45 minutes

Example Reading

  1. Each group will choose a book and record a member reading it following all of the rules. This will be a resource of how to read a book to young children for the Written and Oral Communications 1 class.

-14 minutes


  1. 3rd block will be working on the other aspects of the project (making the handouts and looking through our books). Next week, we will focus on putting it all together and publishing it in an eBook format for Mrs. Kirby’s class.
    -1 minute


  1. Students came up with 5 rules for reading to preschoolers in the third activity.


National Standards for FCS Education:

4.3.2: Implement learning activities in all curriculum areas that meet the developmental needs of children.

4.3.4: Demonstrate a variety of teaching methods to meet individual needs of children.


Common Core State Standards:

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.2: Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms.


iPads for each group, props for videos



Learning Disability break up the information into chunks for the student; provide a guided copy of the article.


Contingency Plan:


-Have students start looking for books in our classroom that fit into the themes/motifs.



-Do not have the students read and record them reading.


Associated visuals used in this lesson:

  • Cross-Curricular Project Description
  • iPads
  • Children’s books
  • List of themes and motifs from To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Reading Aloud to Children infographic
  • Preschool Scenarios