Des Plaines Valley Region
DVR Education for Employment
2000 Fifth Avenue, Suite M103
River Grove, IL 60171



Labor Market Opportunity






Pizza Around the World

Pizza Around the World

Course Name

Grade Level

Subject Represented (highlight)

Cuisine Chef





  • The students will research a foreign country with respect to cultural dishes and spices.
  • The students will create a digital presentation of their country.
  • The students will create a pizza reflective of their country.



  • The students will research a foreign country with respect to cultural dishes and spices.
  • The students will create a digital presentation of their country.
  • The students will create a pizza recipe reflective of their country.
  • The students will compile a food order to create their pizza.
  • The students will make their pizza.
  • The students will share their presentation with the class.



8.2.5 Practice standard personal hygiene and wellness procedures.

8.2.7  Demonstrate safe food handling and preparation techniques that prevent cross contamination from potentially hazardous foods and food groups.

8.5.10 Prepare breads, baked goods and desserts using safe handling and professional preparation techniques.



  • This lesson will last approximately five 48 minute class periods


MATERIALS (Broken Down By Pathway):

  • Pizza Around the World Assignment
  • Ingredients for individual pizzas
  • Access to a kitchen and equipment for making pizzas
  • Projection Unit
  • Computer access
  • Internet access



  1. Day 1
    1. Distribute the Pizza Around the World Assignment
    2. Students should work on their presentation
    3. Students should design a pizza that is reflective of their country
    4. Students should submit a grocery list for their pizza
  2. Days 2-4  (Note: You can do other assignment in between days 1 and 2 to allow for grocery delivery)
    1. Day 2
      1. Mise en place for pizza lab
    2. Day 3
      1. Make the dough and let proof overnight
      2. Make the sauce and store in the refrigerator
    3. Day 4
      1. Assemble the pizza
      2. Bake and share
    4. Day 5
      1. Presentations



Students may be assessed on the completion of their presentation.

Students may be assessed on the quality of their lab performance.