Introduction Coding Assignment (Coding in Today’s Society)
Type of Activity
Research the various ways in which we interact with technology in society today, and investigate two uses with a bit more detail to understand the functionality.
- Discover the different ways in which we use technology today.
- Explain – in plain English – how you BELIEVE certain technology works in the background.
- Investigate two resources that specifically explain how that technology works.
- Explain what you learned!
Chromebooks, internet access, Introductory slide deck (below), Assignment (below)
- Teacher will present an introductory slide deck to get students thinking about how technology works.
- Students and teacher will have a informal discussion about technology in today’s marketplace.
- Students will then investigate technology they use on a daily basis via an assignment and answer various questions.
- Questions to answer.
- What technology do you interact with on a daily basis?
- In your own words – without doing any research – explain how one of these technologies REALLY works?
- Research that technology citing two resources to specifically understand how it works.
- Explain the difference between your original thoughts and the “real” functionality of that techhnology.
Students will be evaluated via their completion of the assignment above.