FY22 Trades Expo & Job Fair
Students from Oak Park & River Forest High School will participate in 'My Future, My Pathway Day,' in April to learn about OPRF's Programs of Study, long-term careers, and internships, work study, and Summer job opportunities.
East and West Leyden High School students have the chance to explore postsecondary opportunities in Automotive Technology, Barbering, Carpentry, Cosmetology, HVAC, Health Careers, and Manufacturing in September.
FY20 Trades Expo
Leyden High School students have the opportunity to visit the Trades Expo scheduled at West Leyden High School in September, to speak with representatives who work in the skilled trades.
FY19 Apprenticeship Expo
Students will have the opportunity to experience hands-on activities in the Trades at the DVR Apprenticeship Expo, presented by the Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO). Held at the Oak Park and River Forest High School Field House, this day will include multiple stations supervised by journeyman in 10 different areas of the trades. Students asking "Can I see myself doing this?" will leave with an understanding of the nature of the work in the trades.
Consider an Apprenticeship! An apprentice is an individual who learns a craft through classroom instruction and on-the-job training. Classes are taught by men and women who are skilled in that trade while on-the-job training is overseen by construction employers. Unlike other training programs, most apprentices are paid while developing their skills. And as your skill level increases, so will your pay level.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) recognizes the construction industry’s importance in the creation of jobs. To help individuals get started on a career in the construction trades, IDES developed the Apprenticeship Information Centers.
These centers, located in IDES offices and in Illinois Employment and Training Center (IETC) offices, allow you to obtain detailed information about apprenticeship programs and also find out when specific construction trades are accepting applications for entrance into their program.
Requirements for Application: (Bring the following with you into the IDES Center.)
- Your High School Diploma or G.E.D. Certificate.
- The name(s) and address(es) of the high school(s) or vocational school(s) you’ve attended.
- A copy of your birth certificate.
- The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of two or three individuals who will serve as your personal references.
Health Careers Camp
Health Careers Camp brochure
Dates: June 8-10, 2015
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Lunch is included)
Location: East Leyden High School -- Meet in Little Theater
3400 N. Rose Street
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Are you wondering about a health career? This career camp will give you direct observation of many healthcare careers and an opportunity to apply classroom learning to hands-on experiences in an actual hospital/medical setting. You will visit hospitals, the fire department, and Triton's Health Career programs. Talk to EMT's, learn how to take vital signs -- very cool!
This camp is designed for all students considering healthcare career choices such as radiology, physical therapy, medical technology, nursing, exercise physiology, emergency medical technician, and many others.
Food Sanitation
Food Sanitation brochure
Dates: June 9-10, 2015
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Lunch is included)
Location: East Leyden High School -- Room 266
3400 N. Rose Street
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Ever wonder what it takes to get into the culinary profession? This camp provides you with a credential needed for that industry: The Food Sanitation Certificate.
This camp is for STUDENTS only.
Upon successful completion, you can earn Triton College proficiency credit for HIA115.
Coding Camp
Coding Camp brochure
Dates: June 8-9, 2015
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Lunch is included)
Location: East Leyden High School -- Room 243
3400 N. Rose Street
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Coding is all over the news, whether cyber-security or e-marketing. Learning to code is easier than ever. Spend two days with us and learn how to do basic coding, and how to improve your skills later on your own. You will also learn more about career opportunities that require coding skills. Don't wait. Sign up now!