Des Plaines Valley Region
DVR Education for Employment
2000 Fifth Avenue, Suite M103
River Grove, IL 60171



Labor Market Opportunity






Breastfeeding Magnet

Child Development: Breastfeeding Magnet

Course Name

Grade Level

Subject Represented (highlight)

Child Development


Math                    Writing



  • The students will be able to identify the functions and terminology associated with breastfeeding by scanning the QR codes, reading the information then listing the key terms/main concepts on their notesheet.   
  • The students will be able to collaborate and discuss the key concepts with their peers by creating a magnet on or any digital media.
  • The students will be able to make an inference about breastfeeding by creating a sales pitch to display support for the breastfeeding community.  



  • 12.2.4-Analyze the influences of life events on individuals’ physical, emotional, social, moral and cognitive development
  • 12.3-Analyze strategies that promote growth and development across the lifespan.



  • This lesson will last approximately 48 minutes/1 class period





  • QR Code Activity
        1. You will take the eleven, numbered QR Code Laminated Sheets and place them around the classroom making eleven stations. There will be two copies of each number to allow more than one student to be at each station at a time.
        2. Mention to the students that this activity will require for them to use their chromebooks or their cellphones. Allow them to choose which one they would prefer to use. On their Chromebooks they can use the link or they can search for a FREE QR Code Reader App on their cellphones. The link above will be in posted on their Daily Agenda on Schoology.
        3. You will pass out the QR Code Fill in the Blank worksheet to each student.
        4. Tell the students that they will have to take their QR Code Fill in the Blank, their technology of choice, and a writing utensil to walk around the room to visit each of the eleven stations.
        5. At each station the student will use their piece of technology and scan the QR Code. Once they scan the QR Code a brief paragraph of information will pop up on their piece of technology. They will read it and then fill in the blanks on their QR Code Fill in the Blank worksheet. They must get through each station to have their worksheet completed.
        6. This will take approximately 15 minutes.  
        1. Open up and display the Feeding Magnets Project on the projector. Mention to the students that they can view and follow along on their Chromebooks. The Feeding Magnets Project will be posted on their Daily Agenda on Schoology.
        2. Read the Feeding Magnets Project document out loud to the students.
        3. Tell the students “The purpose of the magnet is to offer support and provide information to expecting mothers about breast milk and breastfeeding!”
        4. Read over the Rubric and explain the 5 main criteria they will be graded on.
        5. Allow the students to work in groups of two for this project.
        6. Pass out a note card to each group. Remind them that each note card is for them to to write a 3-4 sentence summary on the importance of supporting breastfeeding mothers and how their magnet conveys that.
        7. Allow the students the majority of the class period to have as work time.
        8. Check in with each group to see if they have any questions or need clarification.
  • Review QR Code Fill in the Blank Worksheet
      1. Take the last ten minutes of class to review the worksheet as a class.
      2. Go through each section and explain further to allow the students to understand and visualize what each section means.



    1. First, Key Questions: Post them on the board for the students to read.
      1. Key Questions:
        • Now that we have learned this how many of you would like to breastfeed your children? Why?
        • What is most difficult for breastfeeding mothers? Why do breastfeeding mothers need support?
        • What is something you will take away from this?
        • What is something you learned that surprised you?
    2. Ask the students to pull out a sheet of paper and a writing utensil.
    3. Read the key questions out loud and ask the students to answer these questions in a paragraph.
    4. Tell the students that the paragraph must meet at least half a page. This will allow for me to check for understanding on the importance of breastfeeding, the role society plays into breastfeeding and to view their personal opinions through their writing.
    5. Secondly, Graded rubric for the magnet on page 2 of the Feeding Magnets Project.
      1. This will allow for the teacher to view their magnet and read their notecard to check for their notecard summary, required information, creative design, supportive detail/information, and to reflect on their presentation. Overall to allow the teacher to view if the objectives have been met.