Des Plaines Valley Region
DVR Education for Employment
2000 Fifth Avenue, Suite M103
River Grove, IL 60171



Labor Market Opportunity






Patty Sarkady

Basics of Photoshop – Creating Web Banners

This unit was designed to show Web Design students the basics of Photoshop. In the first two lessons, students are shown how to swap a background, feather an image and change part of the colored image to black & white. The students are then required to create 5 different web banners to place on one web page (last lesson in the folder).

There are video tutorials attached in the first two activities for the students to follow along with.

Prior to these activities, I gave a “live” demonstration on different types of web banners and what components go into creating them. 

Photoshop Basics – Web Banner

Web Design – Introduction to Dreamweaver Challenge

This project is the first student challenge using Adobe Dreamweaver.

The online discussion and research portion is to be done at the start of this project.

The step-by-step instructions help the students with the second part of this project.

A simple rubric is also in the folder – this rubric was borrowed from I just added the title of the project and the grading information below the rubric.

Topic: Color Challenge

Web Design_ColorProject

Please note that I did zip the folder so that all of the files will remain together.



Math in CTE – Business Education

This lesson was designed in conjunction with Math Teacher Patty Young. 

In all of my business classes, I always have a data collection lesson dealing with whatever topic we are discussing at the time.

Instead of using software (ie. SurveyMonkey or Google Forms) to analyze the data, we thought it would be beneficial for the students to understand how to dissect the findings themselves.

This lesson has been created to enforce  math concepts learned in Algebra.

LessonPlan-Math in CTE-Data Collection and Analysis – PDF