Des Plaines Valley Region
DVR Education for Employment
2000 Fifth Avenue, Suite M103
River Grove, IL 60171



Labor Market Opportunity






Marcia Bernas

Defining Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy Lesson



Teacher Preparation:  Choose four articles that relate to the topic of defining Digital Literacy.  Divide the students into small groups of four.  Each student will receive a different article.


Student tasks:


  • Each student in group will read one of the four articles.
  • Students write/record their own notes for their article on their own section of the conversation roundtable sheet.
  • Students will share out within small group the definition and components (summary) of digital literacy.
  • As a whole group of four…students will formulate/create a definition of the term digital literacy.
  • Groups of four will share their created definition with remainder of class.
  • Class will vote on the best definition of digital literacy to use a universal definition of the term.


Benefits of Higher Education

by Marcia Bernas

Students will research to find an employment ad that advertises for a job that has a specific request for a certification or endorsement. Students will then research to identify the requirements for the certification/endorsement. (specific training, costs, education, etc.) Students will prepare a one paragraph summary of the requirements and report out to group.  Resource links are included.

Benefits of Higher Education