Des Plaines Valley Region
DVR Education for Employment
2000 Fifth Avenue, Suite M103
River Grove, IL 60171



Labor Market Opportunity






Ellie Besso

‘CRAP Detection’

Cooperative Work Program – CRAP Detection


Instructional Outcome:


By summarizing the process of deciphering sources, students will be able to analyze an article using the ‘CRAP Detection’ method.



  1. Cooperative Learning
  2. Direct Instruction
  3. Independent Learning



  1. Chromebooks
  2. Schoology
  3. Graphic Organizer


Anticipatory Set:


“Create a list of websites that you believe are good sources to use for researching various topics. Create a list of websites that you believe are not good sources to use for researching various topics.”


Come together as a class and create two lists of the top three sites for each category. Discuss the similarities and differences of each list.





  • Direct Instruction


      1. Split the class into groups of four. Have them sit together facing one another.
      2. Have students open up this site as their resource for the activity.


  • Modeling


      1. Create a ‘Conversation Roundtable’ worksheet with the class. Each student should have a piece of paper to do this on their own.
      2. Using a sample article, describe the procedure of Conversation Roundtables. Define the jobs for each student. Do not describe the summarizing activity yet – too many instructions at once!


  • Cooperative Learning


      1. Students will be assigned one of the four pieces of the article. Have each student, in their individual quadrant, list the crucial information listed in their piece of the article.
      2. Once each student has completed their own independent research, have students begin the procedure of a Conversation Roundtable. Each student will share the information they pulled from their section of the article with another, and fill that information in appropriately on their worksheets.
      3. Once each student has shared, it is now the group’s job to come up with a summary of the article in the center of their worksheets. This is more than just a single sentence or statement; students should include the most crucial information to better understand the article.
      4. Come together as a class to discuss the summaries written by each group. Come up with an agreed upon summary as a class.


  • Think-Pair-Share


    1. Students will now use the summary written by the class to use ‘Crap Detection’ in action. Students should return to their individual seats and open their chromebooks.
    2. Instruct students to search a topic of their interest and to click the first link listed.
    3. Students should read the article and search the source using the summary written by the class to determine if the article they found is ‘crap’ or not.
    4. Students should pair up with another student from the classroom once they have come to a conclusion about their individual article. In pairs, the students should discuss the article they found and their evaluation of the source.
    5. As a group, call on each pair to discuss their findings. Discuss how the students used the summary from ‘Crap Detection’ to analyze each article.




As a conclusion and assessment to the activity, share a link of an article with all of the students to visit on their Chromebooks. Students should write an analysis of the site that you chose using the summary from ‘Crap Detection’. This assessment will show if the student reached the objective or not.