Des Plaines Valley Region
DVR Education for Employment
2000 Fifth Avenue, Suite M103
River Grove, IL 60171



Labor Market Opportunity






Preschool: Reflection

Preschool: Reflection

Course Name

Grade Level

Subject Represented (highlight)



Math                    Writing



  • For students to communicate effectively and reflect on their preschool experience.



  • Students will be able to clarify, express, and demonstrate their thoughts, ideas, and emotions during the modified circle reflection activity.
  • Students will be able to model appropriate circle protocol during the reflection activity.
  • Students will be able to apply concepts and ideas from the reflection circle to their upcoming lesson plans.



Content Standards:

4.1.6 Analyze the role of professional organizations in education and early childhood.

4.2.5 Analyze strategies that promote children’s growth and development

4.3.2 Implement learning activities in all curriculum areas that meet the developmental needs of children.

Common Core Learning Standards:

SL.11-12.2. Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source and noting any discrepancies among the data.



  • This lesson will last approximately 48 minutes/1 class period



  • A piece of ribbon for each person
  • Slides Presentation



  1. The class will begin with students participating in a modified circle activity. During this, students will reflect on the past week with the preschoolers and how various lessons went. We also will touch on other aspects of the normal “running” of the preschool and answer any questions that need to be answered.



Circle Questions:   Presentation link here!


Explain a specific day this year when you felt inspired/happy/joyful/proud about the work you did?


What was the biggest mistake you made this year?  How can you avoid making the same mistake in the future?  (Write list on the board) (Form connections with peers)


What is the most valuable thing you learned this year in Preschool?


Give a shout out→what was something you saw when you were helping that you liked?


Option 1:Hold up your hand with fingers raised to reflect how you’re feeling after this circle.  5 being amazing…..1 not so good.

Option 2: Distribute one piece of ribbon to each person.  Turn to the person to the left. While tying your ribbon to that person’s ribbon, give some words of encouragement to that person.  When you have finished, invite the person to your left to turn to the person to his/her left, tie the ribbon to the next person’s ribbon, and say something encouraging to that person.  Repeat around the circle, until the ribbon is tied all the way around, and each person has both given and received encouragement.



Formative: Check-ins throughout the period will take place to assess student knowledge and retention.

Self-assessments that ask students to think about their own learning process, to reflect on what they do well or struggle with, and to articulate what they have learned or still need to learn to meet course expectations or learning standards.