Des Plaines Valley Region
DVR Education for Employment
2000 Fifth Avenue, Suite M103
River Grove, IL 60171



Labor Market Opportunity






Paired Tire Rotation

SUBMITTED BY:  David Weishaar


STRATEGY NAME:  Paired Tire Rotation


PURPOSE/ OBJECTIVES:  Beginning Auto students will pair up to research, perform, and document a full tire rotation on a vehicle


MATERIALS NEEDED:  Vehicle, Lift, Tools, Computer with Internet, Shopkey, Work Orders


PROCESS:  The students will pair up to complete a tire rotation.  Students will be assigned a vehicle that needs to be placed on a lift for service.  Once the students establish the vehicle’s year, make, and model they will look up proper specs and procedures.  The paired students will double check their work to make sure that every step was completed correctly.   After they successfully finish the tire rotation, students will write up work order of service and speak with the customer.

  1. Students will pick partners to work out in the lab.
  2. Students will be assigned a vehicle to work on..
  3. Students will use Shopkey to look up proper procedures and technical specification.
  4. Students will perform their tire rotation, and their partner will double check the work.
  5. The students will create an invoice that outlines all the services performed on Shopkey.  They will print 3 copies:
    1. 1 copy to the customer
    2. 1 copy to the business office
    3. 1 copy records for the auto shop
  6. Students will speak with customer about the work that was completed

Beginning Auto students will get real world feel and hands on experience completing a tire rotation.  Students will have a partner to work on the car with.  This lesson will develop problem-solving skills and force students to work outside their comfort zone to find solutions.  Students will also get a perspective of writing up work orders and speaking with customers.